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задания по английскому

Контрольная работа по дисциплине «Английский язык»

для всех специальностей


1.  Поставьте правильный артикль

1.   Mark usually goes to ... school to take the children home.
a) a            b) the              c) an                d)— (nothing)

2.   After the accident five people had to go to ... hospital.
a) a     b) the                      c) an                d)— (nothing)

3. To see … therapist in … hospital

     a) a             b) an   c) the               d)— (nothing)

4  I broke my arm and go to … hospital

a) a      b) the              c) an                d)— (nothing)

5.      Great Britain consists of... parts.


a)    the three

b)   three

c)    a three


6.      It is washed by the waters of....


a)    an Atlantic Ocean

b)   Atlantic Ocean

c)    the Atlantic Ocean



2  Поставьте правильный предлог.

1. We can agree _____ your new prices.

 а) to                          b) into                с) at

2. The lesson began _______ 8 o’clock.

 а) in                          b) at                   с) of

3. I don’t like the furniture _______ the room.

 а) in                          b) for                  с) of

4. The Prime Minister arrived ... the capital on Monday.

a) to                b)in                             c) at

5. He came ... a two-day official at the invitation of the Government.

a) with                        b)for                           c) on

6.I usually get up ... eight.

a) in                 b) on               c)at                  d) under

7.The house is ... the trees.

a) at                 b) behind        c)in                  d) over

8.   Jane and Mike are ... love with each other.

a) out              b)at                 c)on                 d)in

9.   I think he will be back ... a week.

a) in                 b)of                 c) after            d)at

10.  ... Wednesday there was a boat... the river.


a)                  in, at

b)                 on, at

c)      on, in

d)     at, in


11  You can get to Saint Petersburg ... train or ... plane.


a)                  in, by

b)                 by, by

c)      on, on

d)     at, in



3.Выберите правильный вариант употребления глагола

1. Who (learnt / taught) you to play the piano, Ann?

2.  I didn’t have time to (do / make) the beds this morning.

3. It is never late to (study / learn).

4. My favourite professor (learnt / taught) us to do all the best  to (learn / taught) twenty words in English. It was difficult to (study / learn).


4 Выбери правильный вариант образования множественного числа имени существительного

1.     There are five ... and fifteen ... in the basket.


a)      appls, plumes

b)     apples, plums

c)      appls, plums

d)    apples, plumes







2.     Peter has two ...


a)      childs

b)     childrens

c)      childes

d)    children






3    I like to make______ in winter.

a) snowmans b) snowmen c) snowmens

4   These______ are my brothers.

a) boies            b) boyes        c) boys


5.Выберите правильный глагол. (действительный или страдательный залог)

1. Can he ____________ English?

a) speaks                     b) speaking                 c) speak                       d) to speak

2    Modern furniture ... of plastic.


a)     made

b) makes

c)     is made

d)   make


3.   A lot of interesting films ... on TV last month.


a)      show    

b)     were shown

c)      shows      d) are shown


   4. My friend ... detective stories.


a)     is translated  

b)    translate

c)     was translated

d)   translates


5.   All the cars ... before we sell them.


a)     test

b)    were tested

c)     are tested

d)   tested




6 . Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму глагола (время)

  1. My friend (to watch) TV now.
  2. I (to learn) English and I am ready to go out.
  3. Our president (to work) every day.
  4. You (to pass) all exams before you went to abroad.
  5. I (to go) up home at 4 o'clock yesterday.
  6. I (to use) a tram for to go to University.
  7. It (to be) better that it was.
  8. My mother (to prepare) my supper at this time tomorrow.
  9. I (to be back) in the future.
  10. I (to clean) my flat to 5 p.m.


 7 Выбери правильный вариант (согласование времен).

1.   I think your brother ... very clever and brave.


a)  was

b)  is

c)  will be

d) would be


2.   She didn't know the guests ... late.


a)  come

b) would come

c)  will come

d) have come


3.   They understood that they ... a mistake.


a)  made

b) make

c)  had made

d) are making


4.            The girl says she for ... her parents.


a)  has waited

b)  waits

c)  is waiting

d) will wait


5.         We saw the castles that... centuries before.


a)  had been built

b) are built

c)  were built

d) built




8 . Many, much, a lot of, lots of «много», little, few «мало» Выбери правильный вариант

1.We don't have ... time, please, hurry up!

a)  many

b)      a lot of

c)      much

d)     a few                            

2.There are ... apples in the basket, take one.  

a)       many

b)      a lot of

c)       much

d) a little


9. Выбери правильный вариант употребления  неопределенных местоимений some, any, отрицательного местоимения по и их производных.

1)    There are_____ books on the table.

a) any                b) some              c) not

2)    He hasn' t got_____ toys.

a) no                  b) any                 c) some

3    Have you got... questions?
a) any

b) no

c)  some

d) anything

4.   I came at three but there wasn't... at home.


a)  no one

b)  someone c)anyone

d) nobody



10. Выбери правильный вариант употребления модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов

1.    You  ______ like    your   planet


      a) need                  b) may             c) must        d) can

2. I _____enter   your  room.

      a) need                  b) may             c) must        d) can

3. I  ____  jump, swim and run.

           a) need                  b) may             c) must        d) can

4. Flowers _______water to be watered

           a) need                  b) may             c) must        d) can



11  Выбери правильный вариант употребления  числительных

1.       ... delegates took part in the conference.

a)  Two hundreds                    b) The two hundred               c) Two hundred


2.       Spaceships, aeroplanes, computers and even an Egyptian mummy are
among the many ... of objects in the Science Museum's world famous

a) thousands                           b) thousand                             c) the thousand

3.         Напишите эти числа словами:

a) 126 __________________________________________________________________________

b)1720 ____________________________________________________________________

c) 442__________________________________________________________________________


d) 1015__________________________________________________________________________


4  Напишите числа цифрами:

a)  three hundred and seventy five; ___________________

b)  eight hundred and one; __________________________

c)  thirteen thousand three hundred; ___________________

d) nine hundred and seventy-three; ___________________


12. Выбери правильный вариант степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.

1.  Tom is __________ than Joe.

a) small          

b) smaller

 c) smallest

 2. The cat is __________ than the kitten.

a)    large          

b)    larger        

c)     largest

3.    My brother is ... and ... than me.


a)      older, stronger

b)  more older, more strong

c)      more old, more strong

d) older, more stronger


4.   The train is ... than the horse.


a)      fast

b)     faster

c)      more fast

d)    more faster



13. Составьте предложение из частей.

1. want, to, institute, to, I, the, go


2. interesting, you, and, more, than, beautiful, me, are


3. every,from, night ,morning, work, I, till ,day


4. shop, is, in, she, manager, the, а


5. speaks, well, friend ,English, her


6. in, Moscow, in, a ,I ,bank, work



14. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

            When Nicky and his family moved to the city, Nicky was sad.  He loved the country, but his mother and father took jobs in the city.  Nicky’s father and mother did what they could to make him happy.

            Nicky missed his friends more than anything.  But on the way to his new school, a boy ran up to him.  The boy said his name was Ted.

            “I’ll show you around the school,” said Ted.  He smiled at             Nicky, and Nicky smiled back.


            Write Yes or No on the line.


1. Nicky was happy to move.


            2. Nicky’s mother and father didn’t careabout Nicky’s feelings.



Прочитайте предложение и выберете утверждение, которое подходит к нему больше.

            1.  Some animals, like bears, sleep in caves.  Turtles might sleep in burrows in the ground.  Birds can sleep in trees, and a little deer will lie down in the leaves.

            1. Burrows Used By Animals

2. Places Where Animals Sleep

3. A Home in the Trees


Прочитайте предложения и определите, о чем говорится в тексте

            1.  Ted’s mother told him to clean his room and then go outside to rake the leaves.  Ted said, “A giant couldn’t do all the work I have to do.”


            What did Ted really mean?

            _____ Ted thought he could do the work but a giant couldn’t do it.

            _____ Ted thought he had too much to do.


15.  Выбери правильный вариант  употребления вопросительного слова.

1.  … is your mother? – She is a manager.


a)      how

b)     who

c)      what

d)    where


2.  … is it? – It is a long river.


a)      how

b)     who

c)      what

d)    where






3.  … do you work? – I work in Tula.


a)      how

b)     why

c)      what

d)    where






4.  … will you be in Tula? – I will be in Tula tomorrow.


a)      when

b)     why

c)      what

d)    where






5.  … are you angry? – I am write wrong


a)      how

b)     why

c)      what

d)    where






6.  … is he? – He is ill.


a)      how

b)     why

c)      what

d)    where






16. . Переведите предложения с русского на английский язык

  1. Сегодня холодно. _________________________________________________
  2. Идет снег целый день.______________________________________________
  3. Сейчас утро. ______________________________________________________




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Ангелина Бахтиярова
Заказывала работу на Вашем сайте. В задание нужно было решить кейс-задание и обычные задачи по праву. Всего 9 заданий было. Все ответы были расписаны подробно, даже ссылки на статьи закона были. Задачи приняли с первого раза. Быстро сделали, всего за 2 дня. Спасибо за работу! Буду к Вам обращаться! Надеюсь следующие заказы будут так же быстро и качественно выполняться!'

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